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Digitale Leute – Build Better Products

How to convince your boss to let you attend #DLSummit 2024 in Cologne

12. Juni 2024

We know it can be tough asking for budget to attend an event. Even though we think, joining the Digitale Leute Summit in Cologne is an absolute must, with industry experts and thought leaders covering the full scope of software product development, it can be a hard sell to your boss who might view this as losing your valuable working hours.

Especially after a global pandemic that made us realize that most of our daily work can be done from home — meetings, leading teams and even attending events in our pyjamas on the couch. But joining events and conferences in real life is still a big deal and the best opportunity to connect with new people and have a great time learning new things.

Every event is a unique experience. But why, in particular, should you attend the Digitale Leute Summit in November? Here are our top 5 reasons.

Most importantly: Get your Conference Ticket now and save up to €200!

It does not get any cheaper — just six days left until June 18 to get your Early Bird ticket — €499 instead of the final ticket price of €699.

Real solutions to real problems from industry leaders

We already have many great speakers confirmed for November 13 in Cologne. This is your chance to gain insights into the latest trends, technologies and best practices in software product development. Join the speakers at our conference stages, or exchange insights with them during the breaks and at our official after-party. If you want to name-drop a few to your boss, we have got you covered:

  1. Laura Henkel, Head of UX/UI at Henkel
  2. Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais, Co-Authors at Team Topologies
  3. Itamar Medeiros, VP Design Strategy, SAP SuccessFactors at SAP
  4. Matthias Patzak, Enterprise Strategist at AWS
DL Summit 2024_Speaker_Tapete

Insights on how to leverage new technologies, tools and methodologies

This one is quite obvious: there are a lot of new technologies, ideas, best practices and trends out there. Figuring out what’s best for you and your company is almost impossible. That’s why we have gathered experts and thought leaders to introduce you to the latest insights in our world of Product, Software Engineering and UX/Design. Not only does it help you remain relevant, it also equips you for future developments, creates new business benefits and improves the day-to-day work of your team.

It’s all about networking!

Events and conferences are more than listening to talks, interviews and panel discussions. They are about community — “join your tribe” — and connecting with like-minded people, as well as generating leads. Therefore, networking opportunities are essential for us at the Digitale Leute Summit, so that you can meet fellow attendees working on similar real-world problems and share your own experiences and lessons learned. We are expecting around 1000 attendees, and we are sure you will connect with a significant number of them during your time with us.


Enhance your practical skills or acquire new ones in a hands-on, full-day Expert Workshop 

Each of our Expert Workshops, on November 14, is led by true experts in their field — a better training session is hard to find. Whether you are interested in building and running a successful tech organisation, taking your OKR game to the next level, gaining insights into the Team Topologies approach or mastering product strategy and discovery techniques, there are plenty of full-day workshop options to choose from.

Get inspired to inspire!

Apply what you have learned at the Digitale Leute Summit and share it with your team. Now you have the tools and methodologies to integrate the latest trends in product development into your work. It is about your personal development, but also about the development of your team and the company as a whole. With this new insights, you can enrich your company and drive forward its product development.

See you on November 13 + 14 in Cologne!

Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of each other.
Your Digitale Leute Team

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