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Digitale Leute – Build Better Products


Event Storming: creativity meets structure

Conference Stage 3

Event storming is a method of domain-driven design that helps all team members to jointly develop the expertise of an application. In this talk, we will look at the basics of event storming and the factors influencing its effective implementation. Who are the participants? How much time should I allow? What is the right altitude for a value-creating discussion in which everyone leaves with a common understanding of the specialised domain. When used correctly and carried through to the end, event storming offers an incredible amount. The result can be used for UX decisions as well as for good software design. Ina will discuss these aspects and her experiences with them.


Ina Einemann

Agile Coach at EWE.

As an agile coach and scrum master with a focus on requirements management and product ownership, Ina has been working in the agile world for 10 years. She is passionate about helping teams implement agile practices, while also speaking at various conferences and serving as an advisory board member. You can also listen to her as one of the hosts of the popular agile podcast ‘Mein Scrum ist kaputt’. In addition to her work, Ina has published the book ‘Product Ownership meistern’, in which she shares her knowledge and experiences.
