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Digitale Leute – Build Better Products


How Product Discovery saved cosee – and made its clients happier

Conference Stage 3

Cosee develops digital products for their customers. When working for them, they often fell into the build trap. Again and again, they heard complaints like “your team is too slow” or “your team is too expensive”. Using product discovery techniques helped them to escape this recurring scenario and make their customers happier.

In this talk, Konstantin will show you how to find out if you are caught in the build trap and how product discovery techniques such as Product Vision/Strategy Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas and more can help you. He will take you on this journey using a real-life example to make it even more intuitive.


Konstantin Diener

CTO at cosee.

Konstantin is CTO at cosee. He has been developing software for more than 20 years. His CTO role made him shift his focus to (agile) leadership topics and to Product Management lately. Nowadays, he is mainly interested in building the right products by using Product Discovery techniques. Konstantin speaks at conferences and was author of „DevOps Stories“, a column about culture, leadership, agile and DevOps.
