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Digitale Leute – Build Better Products


Intelligent Organizations – Steps Out of Stupidity

Conference Stage 2

Organizations are similar to organisms: they have the will to survive, consume things, produce waste, and hopefully possess purpose and intelligence. Unfortunately, the intelligence of an organization is often only a fraction of the combined intelligence of its individual members. An organization that acted smartly yesterday can become ‚dumb‘ tomorrow if its environment changes rapidly.

What defines a ‚dumb‘ organization? Can a dumb organization still achieve its goals effectively? Why does an organization become less intelligent? Can an individual thrive in a dumb organization?

Examples from real life, inspirations for intelligent steps, and reports on organizations that have gradually become smarter.


Johannes Mainusch

CTO at kommitment and former VP at XING. Held roles at Otto GmbH and Deutsche Post.

Founder of and contributor to kommitment. Loves tube radios and bicycles. Prefers traveling in Europe with light luggage. Likes to code in typescript and go, but mostly works with non-deterministic processors in management meetings. Likes Labskaus and chaos.


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