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Digitale Leute – Build Better Products


Sustainable Tech – how the principles of the Circular Economy can transform IT

Conference Stage 3

„Reduce, Reuse, Recycle“ – the Circular Economy is gaining traction for physical products, in many cases thanks to digital innovations. What’s still under-utilized, however, is the potential for reducing waste and emissions by applying circular principles to IT itself.
In this talk, we will explore what „Design out waste“ or „Keep products and materials in use“ translate to for digital products. You will learn what the environmental footprint of tech is and why it’s still such a secret. And finally, Anita will present you with some tangible, real-world examples from her work with clients that will leave you inspired to start your own Sustainable Tech journey.


Anita Schüttler

Head of Sustainability at neuland - Büro für Informatik.

After having worked as a software engineer for over a decade, Anita changed her job focus from coding to sustainability. As a certified Circular Economy professional and Sustainable Tech specialist, she now helps IT companies of all sizes understand and reduce the environmental impact of their IT and software landscape.
