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Digitale Leute – Build Better Products

Putting UX on the Driver’s Seat – How to Stay Customer-Centric and Deliver Fast

Stage 2

More than 25.000 online-shops have put their trust in the quality assurance of Trusted Shops. The Cologne-based service provider has built a platform that verifies and secures customer ratings and digital transactions for sellers and buyers all over Europe. 

In this fireside chat, Oliver Pitsch, Head of User Experience & Quality Assurance, explains the importance of having the design team in the lead during the product discovery. You will learn how to integrate advanced design methodologies into short sprint cycles. Oliver shows you, how to avoid UX becoming a bottleneck by having a clear distinction between the product discovery and the delivery phase and how a “definition of ready” looks like. The seasoned UX lead also taps into the special design challenges of a product, that exists both in the B2B- and in the B2C world.


Oliver Pitsch

Head of UX and QA at Trusted Shops. Co-founded Reputami.com.

Oliver has experienced almost everything you possibly can as a designer. After several years in the agency world, he founded and sold his own startup Reputami. He then helped to grow the student recruitment platform Studitemps. At Trusted Shops, he is now responsible for extending and redefining the way users give online-feedback.

Mirko Lorenz


Innovation Manager, Deutsche Welle

Mirko is a journalist, innovator and project manager. He is a member of the Research- and Cooperation Team at DW. His project explores the use of blockchain for the trading of creative work such as photos. Further, he is deeply involved in the space of data-driven journalism. Datawrapper, a charting tool he co-founded and leads as co-CEO is used for chart and map creation in hundreds of newsrooms around the world.